Calendar | designjunction 2017

Two days set up and five days exhibiting at any show can be a daunting prospect but this year's designjunction was an absolute pleasure to attend and seemed to fly by.
The key to success is always in the planning and we had carefully designed our stand over the previous few weeks. There was a lot of painting least the colours were amazing, which always makes the process a little more pleasurable. For the stand walls we used Paint & Paper Library's Slate IV, and Slate II for the table. The result was definitely worth the effort and we were very proud of our stand.
Whenever working in London, we always appreciate our wonderful friends who make the effort to come and see us, but the show also gave us the opportunity to meet the design savvy folk that swarm there. It's an international crowd that is interested to find new designers and discover products designed and made with care, so to spend a few days talking to visitors was a privilege.
Thanks so much if you dropped by. We're looking forward to next year's show.
Photograph of Ian and Felicity by Oliver Hooson